Tuesday, May 12, 2015

LOOK WHAT I FOUND...a supposed post years ago! LOL Just felt like sharing..hihi PREVIEW: TOKTOK Pro touch: My New Toy, Vibrator! =P

It's not what you think! You and your dirty mind...:P

I've been planning to get myself one of these since mid-last year but never get to choose from all the variants. There were just too much to choose from and too much criteria to consider. I have to base it from the performance, a couple of reviews and recommendations were helpful. Then there's the biggest factor of all, the PRICE!

*Bare in mind, I'm a mom for a year now but I've been an expensive easy-go-lucky gal for 26 years so budgeting is kind'a new to me; though it's something I must be an expert on ASAP. =D*

Ok, I'm gonna cut the suspense and go straight to what's this about...It's my latest BEAUTY TOOL! 


I  got them early last year and I want to share everybody what it actually looks like so here are the photos...


I've been using this one for quite some time now but never actually put much thought on how to describe the product. I've always wanted to write a review on it but I still don't have any similar tool to compare with plus the fact of having not much time during the day to take actual photos of how natural and even the application of BB or foundation be with the use of this smart vibrator. I'll write a review about this soon..(if only I get to have a 2 days off from motherhood..LOL). Hopefully, I'll be of help as to providing everyone with the details that needed to be covered.

Interested? It wouldn't hurt if you'll follow..(Imposing much?) lol... Comments and feedbacks are very much appreciated.


Note: Should I make a proper review of this? Anyone interested? hehe Posted after 2 years...tsk3x LOL!


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